Segment (Destination)

Segment is a leading customer data platform (CDP).

Trackey’s Cloud Source integration with Segment allows you to easily track events and update user traits in Segment, based on Trackey survey responses.

If you have specific questions which are used to collect user information, Trackey will help you automatically update your user profile in Segment.

This allows you to segment users by custom attributes collected via Trackey, and complement your quantitative data with qualitative insights at scale.

With the Trackey <> Segment integration, you can send qualitative insights collected from Trackey into your analytics, CRM, and marketing automation tools for deeper analysis and advanced user targeting.

This allows you to build a rich collection of zero-party data of your customers, which is crucial to your success in a privacy-first world.

Connect Segment

We currently support Segment integration through webhooks.

This will change in the short term when it is finally accepted by the Segment Integrations Team to appear as a native integration in their marketplace.

The process is as follows:

  1. Inside your Segment app go to "Destinations" and click "Add destination"

  1. Select webhook (Actions)

  1. Choose your source of events

  1. In the newly created destination go to the mappings tab and create a new one.

  2. Set up triggers for event type Trackey, identify or group. This defines which events we are going to send to Trackey. In this case, we want to send all the track, identify and group calls. Which are the ones we need to create segments inside Trackey.

  1. Then set up the Trackey URL for receiving events: and the API key.

  1. After you are done with it save the mapping and activate it. Then go to the settings tab and at the bottom of the page enable the destination and save it.

Last updated